by - 12:26 AM

Hey you there! How was your day? I hope you’re wonderful! Anyway, since I have stayed in here for 4 months (time run so fast) I really miss my friends in my home university. I miss spending my time with them. I also miss sewing task hahaha. I’m totally forget about the basic of patter clothes. So sad. It means after arriving home I need to study it again #ugh.
Well, last semester I got an assignment about “Making Dress for your Friend” that means I have to work in group (only 2 person) and I make dress for my friend then vice versa. That was a challenge for me, because I never make a dress by myself. So, the dress design is up to us. There’re steps to make the dress becomes real:

1.       Sketch the design as we want and give the color!
2.       Measure the body’s size.
3.       Make the pattern based on the sketch that we have made.
4.       Decide and buy the fabric.
5.       Put the pattern on the fabric, then cut!
6.       Sewing!
7.       Fitting!
8.       Sewing!
9.       Fitting!

But, it’s still depend on dress’ design. The more difficult the dress’ design, so it’s more steps as well. Those are basic steps. For my dress that I made actually more than those 10 steps hahaha.

So, the idea of the dress that I wanted to make is a black mini dress. Didn’t forget to match it with my friend’s body and her look. Because my friend, Kathleen has shorty-fatty body #oopsPEACE. So I decided to make a black mini dress. Because black clothes can make people look slimmer or vice versa. And It’s easy to use in every opportunity (parties). Besides that, black is neutral color that can represent elegances, sexiness and mysteriousness. But, because I also like CUTE THINGS. I wanted it has a short volume skirt.
The idea of the dress (Fashion Illustration)
Then, I made the pattern with simple way. Yeah, my teacher gave us simple way for basic pattern. The hardest thing that make me confused during making the pattern was the skirt and the part of shoulder. As you’ve seen before on my sketch. I wanted the skirt has volume and with L-line, we called it L-line in fashion’s term. By helping from my lovely friend, Kathleen ahaha she helped me to finish the pattern. Because like every week we have to submit our progress of the dress.

Continuing to buy the fabric. I bought it in traditional market near my home university. I don’t know what is exactly the name of the fabric. At least it is not cotton or silk or velvet. Oh no ._. I forget everything about fabric #pffft. But I try to explain the fabric. Well, it’s not shiny but it’s like a matte lipstick if I compare with it hahah. Yeah It’s like a doff fabric. Little bit slippery and it’s okay to iron it. I hope those clues help you to guess lol.

After that, I cut every part and sewed them starting from the collar then the top then the skirt. And because I added something like “lace” on collar and chest part, so I need to sew them by my hand. Doesn’t matter for me, I love it. Anyway, I choose gold lace as a garnish on my dress #yeah. Gold means expensive. I love to combine black with gold things. It makes more expensive!

Moving to connect the collar – top – and skirt by sewing them. When connecting the collar and top was fine but when the top part and the skirt part, it was so difficult. Because it’s so long by following the round between them. And it’s hard to explain too #poorofme. And the sad thing was when I asked my teacher after sewing them, she said “you need to add furring inside”. The furring means by lining/covering inside part, so then the front part not touching directly to your body. Do you get it? Lol so hard to explain #sorry. Yeah, you know I went back again to buy kind of furring fabric and cut as the pattern and sew again and connect it again. Soo sucks.

The final dress looks :3 (yeah bit failed  for the skirt, but that's fine :p)

And I missed the shoulder part. One of difficult part of this dress. Well to be honest. For the finishing, again my friend (Kathleen) she helped me to finish my dress lol. Indeed she’s more expert than me. She said “you know Nit, the shoulder’s part is so difficult! I almost stressful because of it”. I just laughed at her ahahha. No, of course I appreciated her helped. Without knowing by my teacher, on the final show with my confidence I admitted that was making by me. I know it cheated. But, BUT there’re still few of my friend more cheating than me. I mean, they gave their dress to the tailor. I don’t want to mention their name. Just let them. At least, I did 80% by myself and I proud of me haha :p
Me and Kathleen. I'm wearing hers and she's wearing mine :p lol

Thanks for reading
warm hugs

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2 Comment

  1. I think that it so amazing that you can make your own dress. Not a lot of people know how to do that anymore. When you get back to Bail keep sketching and designing! I can tell it's your passion!

    1. thanks Maria! Of course I am :D because I only can do that stuff and very enjoy to do that..
